Contextual Analysis of Mathematical Expressions for Advanced Mathematical Search
Authors: Keisuke Yokoi, Minh-Quoc Nghiem, Yuichiroh Matsubayashi, Akiko Aizawa
Polibits, vol. 43, pp.81-86, 2011.
Abstract: We found a way to use mathematical search to provide better navigation for reading papers on computers. Since the superficial information of mathematical expressions is ambiguous, considering not only mathematical expressions but also the texts around them is necessary. We present how to extract a natural language description, such as variable names or function definitions that refer to mathematical expressions with various experimental results. We first define an extraction task and constructed a reference dataset of 100 Japanese scientific papers by hand. We then propose the use of two methods, pattern matching and machine learning based ones for the extraction task. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is shown through experiments by using the reference set.
Keywords: Natural language processing; mathematical expressions; pattern matching; machine learning
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